Sir Bombardier:

You are hereby called to action by your fair Lady Bogue.  An ominous shadow has fallen upon the land and your expertise in alchemy is required. You must travel to far away lands and unite the fine denizens therein towards this common goal: discover how to communicate with the shadows. 
While you explore and gather ingredients, take care to avoid being caught by the shadow. You will likely fail. You will probably die. No other hero will or even can rise to this cause. You are the only one who can find a solution, no matter how unlikely.

Movement: WASD, HJKL, Arrows
Interact: E
Inventory: I
Switch menu areas: R
Craft: C
Pause: P
Toggle Mouse Mode: M

Note the most up to date version will be set to play by default. The original game jam version will be available to download.


brachinus_crepitans_game_jam_version 59 MB